HYTEP analyses
name | file |
Czech Hydrogen Strategy (2021) | Vodikova-strategie_CZ_G_2021-26-07.pdf |
Czech Hydrogen Strategy (2021) | Czech_Hydrogen_Strategy_2021.pdf |
Hydrogen Strategy EU (2020) | Hydrogen-strategy-EU_2020_EN.pdf |
Aktualizace Národního akčního plánu čisté mobility (NAP CM) | Aktualizace-NAP-CM.pdf |
Příloha k Aktualizaci Národního akčního plánu čisté mobility | Priloha-NAP-CM.pdf |
Study Use of Hydrogen Powered Vehicles in Transport in the Czech Republic (2017) This study, titled "Use of Hydrogen Powered Vehicles in Transport in the Czech Republic", consists in evaluating the potential of their use within the context of global and pan-European technological progress and trends in this field and, in particular, in simulating the deployment of hydrogen mobility in the Czech Republic. | Study-Use-of-Hydrogen-Powered-Vehicles-in-Transport-in-the-Czech-Republic.pdf |