December 29 - 30, 2017, Paris, France
Call for Papers
The ICHET 2017 : 19th International Conference on Hydrogen Energy and Technologies is the premier interdisciplinary platform for the presentation of new advances and research results in the fields of Hydrogen Energy and Technologies. The conference will bring together leading academic scientists, researchers and scholars in the domain of interest from around the world. Topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:
- Transport
- Transportation applications
- Hydrogen fuel cell electric vehicles and fleets
- Hydrogen and hydrogen blends for ICE vehicles
- Systems analysis and well-to-wheel studies
- Modelling/simulations
- New modelling techniques
- New simulation software
- Portable
- Applications
- Stationary applications
- Distributed power generation
- Cogeneration
- Smart grid and distributed power
- Uniterruptible power supply (UPS) and back-up power
- Power to gas
- Hydrogen internal combustion engine conversion
- Conversion techniques
- Dual fuel
- Triple fuel
- Safety systems
- Control systems
- Fuel cells
- Electrochemistry of catalysts / fuel cells
- PEM/HT-PEM fuel cells: electrolytes, stack components
- PEM fuel cells / components reliability, durability and water management
- High-temperature fuel cells
- Novel fuel cell concepts and stack architecture
- Advanced modelling and systems design
- Hydrogen production (electrolysis, reformation, etc.)
- Hydrogen production and purification technologies
- Renewable primary energy potential for hydrogen production
- Biological hydrogen production
- Hydrogen from renewable electricity
- Photocatalysis
- Thermochemical cycles
- Electrolysis
- Reforming and gasification technologies
- Hydrogen purification technologies
- Safety and regulations
- Vehicle and infrastructural safety modelling
- Risk management, insurance and risk analysis studies
- Regulations, codes and standards (for safety and performance)
- Test methods for H2 and fuel cells (for safety and performance)
- Storage (all forms)
- Physical hydrogen storage
- Compressed and cryo-compressed storage
- Liquid hydrogen
- Chemical hydrogen storage
- Metal hydrides
- Complex hydrides
- Hydrogen storage systems
- Compression
- Novel hydrogen compression technologies
- Electric compression
- Air compression
- Dispensing
- Hydrogen dispensing technologies
- Fuelling protocols and algorithms
- Fuel provision for early market applications
- Case studies (examples of successful projects)
- e.g. Off-grid power supply and premium power generation, materials handling,
- APU for vehicles and aircrafts, micro and portable applications
- Defence related fuel cell applications, community based projects, industrial scale projects
- Policies
- Policy perspectives, initiatives and collaborations
- International programmes, collaborative activities: networks, associations
- Financing hydrogen technologies
- National and international financial systems
- Life-cycle assessment and economic impact
- Socio-economic studies
- Education and public awareness
- Commercial rollout of applications and infrastructure
- Hydrogen and FC: incentives, investments and finance
- Environmental issues and climate change