5.10. 2020, online, 14-17:30
Project "Coordination activity of the Czech Hydrogen Technology Platform 2027"
is Co-funded by the European Union.
5.10. 2020, online, 14-17:30
5.- 8. 10. 2020, virtual edition
4–9 October 2020, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA
Thursday 1st October 2020 | 15:00 – 16:30 CET
30 September–2 October 2020, Corfu, Greece
29–30 September 2020, Stuttgart, Germany
September 28, 2020, Reykjavík, Iceland
28.-29.September 2020, Gdansk, Poland
23.-24 září 2020, Brno
23–25 September 2020, Berlin, Germany
September 22.-23. 2020, Paris, France
22 Sept to 17 Nov 2020
22–23 September 2020, Paris, France
15–17 September 2020, Online [was Denver, Colorado, USA]
September 14 - 18, 2020, Prague, Czech Republic
9–10 September 2020 [NEW DATES, was 1–2 April, then 8–9 June] Online [was in Vancouver, BC, Canada]
31 August–4 September 2020, Online [was in Belgrade, Serbia]
11–14 August 2020, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Wednesday, 22 July 2020
Friday the 17th of July – 1.30 to 3.00pm
Project "Coordination activity of the Czech Hydrogen Technology Platform 2027"
is Co-funded by the European Union.