The Czech Technical University in Prague is one of the biggest and oldest technical universities in Europe. It was founded on the initiative of Josef Christian Willenberg on the basis of a decree issued on January 18th, 1707 by Emperor Josef I.
CTU currently has eight faculties (Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Nuclear Science and Physical Engineering, Architecture, Transportation Sciences, Biomedical Engineering, information Technology) and about 21,000 students.
The aim of the faculty is a top pedagogical and scientific Czech workplace recognized at home and abroad. The Faculty actively participates in the harmonization of the European Education and Research Area in order to be compatible with the European system, attractive for the listeners and to meet the needs of the society.
The departments of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering are located in Prague - Dejvice, in a historic building on Charles Square, Horská Street and Julisce. Since the academic year 2003/04, a newly-deployed workplace was established
in Sezimovo Ústí. The faculty also has several training centers. Currently, there are 32 professors, 78 associate professors, 175 lecturers and assistants at the faculty at 14 institutes and two research centers, who also make significant contributions to
research and development projects. The Faculty also participates in the activities of other research centers, cooperates with the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, the Academy of Engineering of the Czech Republic, the Association of
Research Organizations, the Union of Industry and Transport, the Association of Manufacturers of Engineering Technology, a number of large, medium and small industrial companies such as Siemens, Porsche, Škoda Auto, The Hydrosystem
Olomouc and many others.
International cooperation in education takes place in several ways. In addition to the mobility of students and academics under contracts, this is mainly about scientific, research and pedagogical activities connected with participation in scientific and
professional seminars and conferences, especially in the EU countries. International R&D cooperation is implemented through direct links to individual EU programs or other international programs. At the Faculty of Mechanics, it is also possible to
study in English. This teaching is designed for our and foreign students and is greatly supported by regular purchases of foreign study literature.