OKK Koksovny, a.s is the largest European producer of foundry coke. Foundry coke that we produce has been enjoying the reputation of a top European quality product for long time. OKK Koksovny, a.s. offers a broad range of cokes for foundry and metallurgical production, special metallurgy, heating and other purposes. Other products include chemicals, which are formed in high-temperature coal carbonisation. OKK Koksovny, a.s. is a significant member of the Czech Coke-Making Society.
OKK Koksovny, a.s. (hereinafter referred to as “OKK” or the “Company”) operates one production plant – the Svoboda Coking Plant, where 4 coke oven batteries are in operation. The Company produces about 700 kt of coke annually by the so-called thermodynamic conversion of coking coal without air access – coking. In this process, foundry, blast furnace, heating and technological sorts of coke were produced, divided further according to grain size ad qualitative features in accordance with the market requirements.
The major production programme of OKK Koksovny, a.s., is the production of coke – a raw material required not only for iron and cast iron production, but also for a number of other industries. We produce coke virtually from all kinds of cokeable coal.
Foundry and blast furnace coke
Its technological properties must ensure the conditions for the production of cast iron and insulating materials based on basalt or glass fibres. Blast furnace coke is used mainly as an oxidising-reducing agent in blast furnaces. It creates a supporting structure within a blast furnace, which ensures counter flows of gas and liquid products of the blast furnace process in the production of pig iron.
Technological coke
It includes: O1 – Nut coke1, O2 – Nut coke2, Hr – Breeze, Pr – Dust. The first two kinds are often called heating cokes with respect to their prevailing purpose of use, i.e. as cheap and ecological fuel for heat production and water heating in households, companies, particularly there where remote distribution of heat and gas is not possible. Due to its low content of ballast and sulphur in the ratio to the calorific value (26 MJ/kg) it is an ecological fuel complying with the strict limits for the content of pollutants, the so-called air emissions.
Chemical products
They are coking by-products obtained from coke oven gas. These include tar, benzole, ammonium sulphate, solid sulphur and technically pure coke oven gas. Tar and benzole are important raw materials for further processing in the chemical industry, ammonium sulphate is used in agriculture as a fertiliser and technically pure coke oven gas is reused to heat coke oven batteries and about 45% for electricity and heat production.
Coke oven gas contains about 55% of hydrogen. Hence the idea of separating hydrogen from gas for further use, in particular for propulsion of vehicles and, in particular, city buses in Ostrava.
Ecological activities
Air protection along with the development of safe and healthy working conditions for the employees belongs among the highest priorities of the Company.
Air protection
The main focus was on the fulfilment of the legislative requirements which are defined in the Integrated Permit in accordance with the Best Available Techniques (BAT).
Measurements and monitoring of pollutants were carried out in accordance with valid legislation; mandatory emission limits and emission ceilings have been complied with.
Water protection
In the area of OKK water management, rigorous inspections are carried out both in technological processes and on waste water discharged into public sewerage and watercourses. The quality of waste water meets the specified limits.
Environmental Management System (EMS) according to ISO 14001
Since 2015, the Company has been certified according to ISO 14001. By successful completing surveillance audits, the Company confirms its long-term positive approach to environmental protection.
With the EMS certificate, we present to our customers and the public a systematic and continuous interest of the Company and responsibility in protecting and improving the environment.
In accordance with our legal requirements and internal integrated policy, we have a long-term preference for environmental solutions and effective prevention along with the principle of continuous improvement.