COMTES FHT s.r.o. was established in December 2000. From the very beginning, the company was characterized by dynamic growth, expansion of services, and research capacities. The effort to systematize and standardize activities culminated in 2005 when the company obtained the ČSN EN ISO 9001:2000 certification, followed by the certification of its accredited testing laboratory the following year. Due to its growth, the company has already relocated its headquarters twice. Since 2007, the company has been based in Dobřany - Plzeň South, just a 5-minute drive from the D5 highway, where all its laboratories are located.
In 2008, the company transformed into a joint-stock company, COMTES FHT a.s., and was declared a research organization under European regulations. Another significant milestone was obtaining a project under the Operational Programme Research and Development for Innovation (OP VaVpI) in 2011, enabling the establishment of the regional research center ZMMC. This project facilitated further development.
To support the organization's continued growth, a plot of land near the existing premises was purchased in 2012, where the Science and Technology Park (VTP) COMTES FHT was completed in 2019. The VTP includes an office building, a training center building with a lecture hall, and a manufacturing-office building. Spaces in this building are rented to companies that can benefit from a close connection with the COMTES FHT research organization.
To improve communication with partners in German-speaking countries, which represent an important market for COMTES FHT, a commercial office was opened in Munich in 2016.
Today, COMTES FHT employs over one hundred workers and provides comprehensive services in the field of research and development of metallic materials. These services range from initial design, material property measurement, design and optimization of processing technologies, tool design, and selection of suitable manufacturing technologies to prototype production and testing, including accredited tests.
Průmyslová 995; 334 41 Dobřany, Czech Republic
+420 377 197 311